Federation of Associations of Maharashtra | Member’s Profile
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Shri.Vinesh Mehta- President, FAM


A thoroughly self-made person, social activist and former Director of Kapol Coop Bank, Vinesh-bhai  started modestly and now leads a successful business enterprise- Abhay Ispat India Pvt Ltd-  with 100 employees on its payroll.  He loves to embrace problems, rather than getting discouraged by them, confronting them with confidence and is persistent in the pursuit of his objectives. Adversity has not deterred him, it has only made him a much more confident, compassionate and strong person.


In 2016, he was elected as the President of FAM with respectable majority and now is firm in his resolve of making FAM a dynamic and vibrant organization with a slew of initiatives. His objectives and plans are highlighted in his communication to members – “From the President’s Desk” -available on this website.


Following a balanced approach and believing in Sabka saath, sabka vikaas, he promises full support to government for making Maharashtra a super-industrial state while at the same time sparing no effort to fight for the rights of the business and trading community, especially against oppressive laws of the British era.


He has already commenced his outreach programme with the business community from Jalgaon recently and plans to address his member Associations in other cities too in a phased manner.

Shri Ashish Chandrakant  Mehta-  Hon. General Secretary, FAM 


A commerce graduate and veteran in the Timber trade for 3 decades now, Ashish-bhai’s firm, Vinayak Plywood deals in all types of interior decoration products from timber to fancy veneers and laminates. He takes pride in serving his business community and has a reputation for shouldering several leadership and societal responsibilities- some of which are :


  • Director of The Bombay Timber Merchants Association Ltd, Byculla since 2009
  • Secretary of FAM from 2013 – 2015 and  General Secretary of FAM  since January 2016
  • Elected Trustee of The Bombay Timber Merchants Trust Fund since 2013.
  • Nominated as Advisory Board Member of The Kalupur Commercial Co-op Bank Ltd. Kalbadevi Branch in 2014 and continues till date.
  • Was first Secretary, Mahindra Park (residential Society comprising 440 Flats) in 2001-02, re-elected as Secretary during  2013-14.


Accustomed to thinking big and positive, he is an active social worker of Ghatkopar and has resolved several issues with government agencies. He uses his language skills to publish articles in reputed media that lead to societal benefit. He enjoys the confidence of a large number of government officials and elected representatives. His ability to connect with people has nurtured several meaningful partnerships that have eventually benefited the various groups he is involved with.

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